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Last Friday, I was ready to throw in the towel and start watching As the World Turns on CBS instead of OLTL. But then Saturday, I read wonderful news about Kale Brown not being resigned and then Sunday there was news of Megan McTavish leaving. I had to rethink things now. And then there was news that Jason Shane-Scott won’t be resigning when his contract is up since he wants to be a Hollywood actor. Could all my dreams finally be coming true--could we actually begin to cleans the show of JFP’s garbage. Not surprisingly, Kale Brown fans are not taking news of his unsigning lying down; they are staging an all out campaign via letters, emails and messageboards to get ABC to reconsider. Hopefully, they will be ignored. I am firmly of the belief that Kale will be joining Jill in Los Angeles as a character on General Hospital. Then there is the rumor that Gary Tomlin slashed McTavish’s writing for sweeps and rewrote the scenes himself. That much is evident; there is no way McTavish could ever do work that good. While some are whining and complaining that Mr. Tomlin lied by not letting fan favorites go and/or about changing the show, I am estastic about the past three days of the show. Does anyone really think he was going to say what he REALLY thought of the show will his predecessor was still there and she wasn’t even fired from the show? Since it’s been a while since the last commentary, I will do a quick synopsis on past weeks’ events before delving into what appears to now be Todd and Blair’s nonwedding. Will finally learned the truth about his mommy and what does he do? Give her a warning and tell her to be nice to Nora or else he’s gonna tell. What a joke. Will owes Nora his freedom, and she gave up a lot to give it to him. But I guess blood is thicker than water. But we all know it took Lindsay less than 5 minutes to break her promise to Will. But of course, we will now have what Will considers to be misbehaving.

First we have Jenn telling Sam she blames herself for her parents’ divorce. My intersest was piqued. What did little Jen do to her mom? Then the truth came out--she called Colin who in turn called Sam and gave him an anonymous tip about Lindsay and the junior partner. But no where did Lindsay not act of her own free will. And I missed it, or didn’t realize that she slept with him in her and Sam’s bed. Eeew. So, I guess Jen is just as dumb as her aunt Lanie if she is going to let Colin hold that over her head. She has nothing to feel guilty about.

Speaking of Lanie, she is really something else. Did she actually think that she could outsmart Lindsay. And she did not appear genuine. It’s always a sad day when I find Lindsay is being more sincere than someone else. First Lanie flashes her engagement ring all in Lindsay’s face and doesn’t get why Lindsay can’t be happy for her. And now she is trying to team up with Lindsay without revealing her secret. And since she knows what Lindsay did, all she is really looking for is confirmation. I cannot wait for Lindsay to blow her out of the water. If Colin dies, I hope those are his last words.

I don’t know which one is more stupid--Colin or Nora. Colin for actually believing Nora cared about him, or Nora for thinking Colin would give up the truth without getting anything in return. As many times as Nora begged him for the truth and how she needed to trust him. And didn’t Nora’s mother ever tell her about accepting expensive gifts from men.

Now onto the wedding. First let me say that I didn’t like Blair’s dress. Kelly looked nice but I would have preferred a different color and I also didn’t like Viki’s outfit, who appeared to be the only other woman dressed for the event. As much as I can’t stand Blair, I kind of felt bad for her as she said those lovely vows to Todd, only to have him break her heart but also ruin her life. But oh, well, then I remembered I don’t like her. And it didn’t take her long to turn on him in order to save herself. While I thought Todd might have believed her, she reaffirmed his beliefs of her betrayal when she chose to protect Max’ secret over siding with him. And I really don’t understand why she did that. Todd was having way too much fun ruining lives. I love Skye but I was laughing as he did her in. Favorite lines was when Skye threatened Todd w/ Do you know who my father is?, and Todd responded, No, but I know who your mother is. Then Rae and John stand up and look like deer caught in the headlights. Then Todd finally gave Skye the news, and he was prepared. He copied the Bible page. Now here’s a question, how does Rae not know that Daniel wrote anything into the page, why doesn’t she feel it necessary to conduct a DNA test. I was glad Skye let Rae have it. I don’t buy the loving mother act. You don’t go from spewing venom one minute to speaking words of encouragement and pride. I am a bit miffed that Skye had to become Rae’s child, I rather enjoyed her as a Chandler. Then we had Myrtle acting like she was holier than thou. I don’t understand Myrtle’s animosity towards Adam or Skye. Adam doesn’t care about her, never has. Maybe she had the hots for him and he rebuffed her.

After Todd was done with Skye he moved onto bigger and better things--exposing Max as a fraud. No one was happier than I that this insipid storyline was over. And Max was still a smug arrogant jerk until the end. While watching, I thought perhaps Max thought Blair kept it all a secret from Todd, and even that was a dumb assumption considering Blair hates him now. Once Todd let the cat out of the bag, the next group had to stand up and try and stop him. And let me tell you that Ben, Sam and Viki make me so sick. What right do they have to keep this knowledge from Asa and Renee. I think between the three of them, there is one brain cell. And even Blair was trying to protect Ben and Max. That I did not understand at all; she hates Asa, Renee, and Max. I guess she feels bad for Ben. Asa was disbelieving till the end. I literally laughed out loud when Asa dismissed the truth from Todd and decided it Ben was trying to get to him again. And poor Renee, all her so-called friends trying to keep the truth from her. But I was hoping Todd would tell her. Back to the 3 dummies. Viki is the worst of the lot because she is supposed to be Renee’s friend. She looked so disgusted and had this scornful look on her face as Ben prepared to tell her the truth. And why do Sam and Ben have to yell all the time, don’t they know any other way to display emotion. Poor Asa suffered his 60th heart attack of the year, which could have been avoided had he been told the truth a year ago.

I was pleased when Bo realized Sam was in on it all along and said interesting. Sam is such a joke. I am counting the days until I never have to see clickety clackety again. I sort of don’t understand why Nora would agree to be Max’ attorney. She seemed sort of unfazed by all that transpired.

And I was sure glad someone put Blair in her place even if it was Rae. It’s interesting to hear Blair call someone else a tramp. At least Skye only gets involved with men she cares about and loves.

Little Jen Rappaport has a drinking problem. Who cares?! Get her out of here. Maybe Sam can go with her to a rehab program. The only good thing about those scenes is that it prevented Skye from taking a drink.

Colin is getting creepier by the day. I can’t believe he was actually going to rape Roseanne. And Sophia acted like she cared. Yeah, right! I hope the show finds a way to keep Ty Treadway, he really is the best
Until next time,

